Happy Valentines Day!!
I'm not going to lie.. I've never been a huge fan of Valentines Day. That's not to say that I've ever really had a horrible v-day experience, I just don't like holidays that exclude those not in committed relationships. To be honest, I think the world- specifically all the single ladies and gents out there- would be in a much happier place come Valentine's Day if it was more like back in the day when everyone got a Valentine's Day treat despite whether or not they'd found someone to spend it with. Back in the college years we liked to call this "Black _(insert day of the week here)_" Not that we were all angry, men hating ladies.. quite the contrary.. many of us had some fine fellas here and there, not to mention all my girlfriends are extremely pretty :) ..we just liked to pretend we were man haters and use V-Day as an excuse to have a little girly fun for those of us without significant others at the time.
Who wouldn't want to spend time with these lovely ladies??
But Oh! How the times have changed!! Now that I'm all grown up ;) I've got myself a fine little honey to call my own! Unfortunately he's not in Texas with me at the moment, but we're working on that... so I thought I would send him a little cake love to get him through our time apart... he loves when I send him treats. Just thought I'd share my creations with you.
Me and Dustin playing around at my Aunt and Uncles in the country..
Since I had to make a cake for my class on Friday, I figured I would use it two-fold and use the second layer for some sweets for my sweet. I remembered that my mom had sent me some Valentine's Day cookie cutters last year and finally put them to good use... So after letting the cake cool and all that jazz, I used the heart shaped cookie cutters and ended up with about 6 hearts out of the 8 inch round cake. I then sliced each heart in half and filled them with pink buttercream icing.